Honey Market | Sweet Harvest Food - Global Market Database

 In the U.S., honey consumption has grown significantly, primarily due to its use as a sweetener in packaged food products such as snacks and beverages. The global honey market is assumed to reach $14bn by 2025. As American regulators crackdown on countries that dump cheap honey into the States, honey prices may climb even higher. According to the market database, the United States International Trade Commission ruled that honey imports from Argentina, Brazil, India, Ukraine, and Vietnam are hurting American beekeepers. In the fall, the Department of Commerce is to impose duties on honey imports from the five countries that are the subject of the investigation. Canadian honey exports to the U.S should increase as a result of this ruling.

According to a law firm representing the association, the duties are necessary because cheap honey has depressed domestic prices and made it difficult for beekeepers to earn a living.

According to a new study, American honey contains traces of radioactive fallout from the nuclear tests of the 1950s and 1960s. Cesium-137, the radioactive isotope identified, is below the level considered harmful.

Global honey market

The ethical and environmental rationale behind seeking alternatives to industrial-scale egg and dairy production is easy to understand. But there are also compelling arguments for seeking alternatives to commercial-scale honey production. Dr. Aaron Schaller, a molecular biologist, is venturing with Melibio CEO Darko Mandich to grow vegan honey. The advantage of animal products made without animals, and the vegan market in the United States has created opportunities for the company.

A private equity firm Blue Road Capital has acquired US honey and natural sweeteners producer, Sweet Harvest Foods. A Peak Rock Capital affiliate has sold Blue Road the Cannon Falls, Minnesota, business for an undisclosed sum. The Blue Road team possesses deep expertise in natural foods and agricultural markets and looks forward to collaborating with them to drive growth and innovation in the natural sweeteners category.

For more details: -  https://www.globalmarketdatabase.com/honey-market/


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