Reasons Why Home Automation Is Getting More Popular In the Past Decade


The convenience of home automation is unrivaled and unparalleled. From climate control to home security that is pre-programmed and synchronized to the user’s liking. Home automation is not limited to one or two remote functions rather it encompasses an umbrella of functions In simple terms, making machines work for the benefit of humans. This happens via a facilitator; the internet. It enhances the comfort and convenience of the user’s homes. 


What is Home Automation?


Home automation is a subset of the Internet of Things. Currently, an oligopolistic market structure is observed for home automation. The low cost and accessible internet globally has made home automation a reality rather than an aspiration for the millions of working-class across the globe.  However, as consumer knowledge and awareness increases, consumers are demanding open source systems regarding homeautomation systems. This is to give greater customization for the end consumer regarding home automation functions. Also, open-source systems will minimize conflict of functions arising across two or more devices of different firms that constitute a home automation system in a household. It results in the seamless integration of home automation devices across companies which would optimize the functioning of the home automation systems as a whole.

Home Automation Systems- Global Market Database


Companies in the home automation market are heavily investing in research and development. There is a conviction amongst market forecasters that home automation devices are the next niche that is expected to take the consumer durable market by storm. Hence, an increasing number of players are coming into the market and heavily investing in their products both in R&D and product differentiation in the form of advertising.


Entrants in the Home Automation Market


One of the major players in the home automation sector is Canary, it was founded in 2014 New York by founders Adam Sager and his colleagues. Their niche is in home security systems. August Homes is another company that specializes in home automation security with a significant market share. HomeSeer is an established company that has been operating in this market segment for the last 20 years and more.


Finally, home automation is the next big thing in this milieu. With a significant population of skilled labor across the globe; households are finding it difficult to navigate across the domains and unable to function optimally. Households find it difficult to balance both their work and personal life. Home automation bestows upon them that much-needed convenience and flexibility which will enable them to reach higher productivity and decrease the dreariness of mundane household chores.


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