Brake Friction Material

 In modern vehicles, Brake Friction is the most common method of braking. Friction converts kinetic energy into thermal energy when applied to the moving parts of a system. As friction prevents motion, heat is generated, eventually bringing the speed down to zero. Brakes friction comes in two basic types, drum/shoe brakes, and disk/pad brakes. Factors such as heat flow, reliability, noise characteristics, and ease of maintenance of brakes are influenced by brake design. Generally, aircraft brakes are made of resin/steel, metallic linings, and carbon-carbon (C-C) combinations.

 Market database states that due to their high-temperature characteristics, C-C combinations are frequently employed in high-performance brakes. Commercial, military aircraft and Joint Strike Fighters use C-C brakes. Several compounds such as resin, coal tar/synthetic pitch, petroleum pitch, and pyrolytic carbon are used for these brakes.

Brake Friction Material

Don, a global brake brand and a part of TMD Friction, has expanded its passenger car distribution network to include Spartan Motor Factors in Great Britain. Its sites cover the southwest and Wales, and two more will open soon. Now, the distributor stocks a full line of Don products, including brake pads and discs. In addition to its copper-free range, Don's PC range offers value-priced brake pads and discs focusing on reliability

Another provider of brake friction materials, Trimat Ltd is considered an advanced developer and manufacturer. The company provides high-quality products and excellent customer service to customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. According to the market database, many world-leading original equipment manufacturers choose their asbestos-free brake and clutch linings, brake friction material products, and components. The company's products are applied in industrial, marine, mining, aerospace, elevator, construction, oil and gas, off-highway, and on-highway vehicles.

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