Container Crisis in Shipping market and What Next?


The pandemic has disrupted an average citizen’s everyday life, for many above the poverty line; these disruptions are negligible and ignorable. It is expected that the majority of the world’s trade occurs in 170 million shipping containers accounting for about 9 in 10 volumes of trade. However, the pandemic has caused huge labor shortages across countries, reduced capacity in logistics systems, and congestion at ports, and cargo that is quarantined.

Finally, Business Outlook and investor confidence across exporters in Large and Medium enterprises have significantly reduced. Market analysis suggests this haphazardlybe only a temporary disruption and the market will get up and running sooner or later.

Shipping Containers

Reasons behind Shipping Sector Crisis

Primary causes based on preliminary analysis by analysts are the following. First, disruptions to the supply chain are caused by the pandemic. The pandemic has completely usurped the well-oiled and developed machinery of the supply chains existing across different nations. The second reason is the shortage of containers. Shortage of containers available on lease, again as a result of the supply chain disruption has adversely affected the transport of exports from countries.

The third is many governments across the globe adopted autarky state strategies in hopes of minimizing the effects of the pandemic in the initial stages in response to minimize the exposure to the virus. Fourth in the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021, there was a resurgent demand for goods such as medical equipment, home office supplies, and computer equipment. This has forced many nations to import the above-given goods from China.

The immediate future of Shipping Market

A spokesperson from Maersk, the largest container shipping line opined that this is only a temporary situation and the business outlook will improve soon. Market analysis also suggests that the shipping market be buoyant and resurgent.

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